
our studio

Our firm is based at historic Windy Hills Farm in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio. In the 1980s, a historic dairy barn on the property was renovated to house modern offices, design studios, meeting and conference spaces, research libraries, production studios, and a model shop. 


Our central location allows easy access to many client sites within the Midwest and South, along with major airports in Columbus and Cincinnati. Since 1971, we have served clients in 36 states and Canada. 

Hilferty works closely with its community, and several of its staff have served as faculty members at nearby Ohio University, along with being a member of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, the Ohio History Connection, and the Ohio Museum Association. Staff are also local Scout leaders, and volunteer with the Friends of Strouds Run State Park, the Athens Conservancy, the Athens Photo Project, and many other local initiatives. 
